Welcome to

My Journey

My name is Angie Lee and my journey began in 2008 at age 11. I have survived cancer 3 times, received 2 bone marrow transplants, was a pioneer in CAR T-cell therapy, underwent a double lung transplant, had a stroke and hip replacement.

What does the Inspiration4 Mission Mean to Me?

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Read My Journey

Shop a collction of handmade bracelets! All proceeds go towards the many hospitals that saved my life

Thank You

Read about why I am so grateful to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital and how their efforts are the reason why I am here today

Shop Bracelets

Shop a collction of handmade bracelets! All proceeds go towards the many hospitals that saved my life

A bit about me...

I created this website through the eyes of a young girl sharing her cancer and lung transplant journey and also of a young adult dealing with its aftermath. It offers a light reference to anyone seeking more medical information but mostly it is my story of hope and resilience. Cancer has taken so much from me but I am still lucky and grateful to be here.  Knowing I could affect change or help others in all kinds of tough situations would be the silver-lining in my own journey.


A bit about me

The Inspiration4 Mission

Shop the Cause

Help the Many Hospitals and Organizations Who Supported Me!

There are SO many organizations that do not get enough funding to operate and rely solely on donations. I started making bracelets to contribute to these non-profit organizations that hold events, host get togethers, have classes and create a warm environment for cancer/transplant patients. Click here to learn more about these organizations, and below to shop my bracelet collection!

One thing I've come to learn is that you can not always plan out life. You have to roll with the punches and take things day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute ...

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Hospitals I was Treated at

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9 thoughts on “ZZ old My Journey

  1. john stevens says:

    Hi Angie,
    We received your bracelets and wonderful letter. Thank you so much. Your Uncle Simon and I have been very close friends for the better part of 45 years. Although you don`t know me or my family, we think about you all the time. Your letter was so kind and we are so honored and touched by your strength and character. You truly are an inspiration to us and my wife and daughter are wearing the bracelets with great pride. Bless you Angie
    John Nancy Katie and Kent Stevens

  2. Branon Leonard says:

    Hi Angie your brother posted this link on Twitter i just finished reading about your unimaginably tough fight with ALL and all it’s effected you! I just happened to stumble upon your fight because I was sesrching Leukemia on Twitter on behalf of my 4 y/o son Jaydyn who is also fighting Leukemia. There is no update for 2018 and I really hope that you get a call for a match on a lung donor. I will always be praying that your fight becomes a lot easier. You are incredibly strong just from reading your story I felt the emotions that you went through and cried for you no one should ever have cancer ever. I will continue to read on your blog. Your story found me in Arizona in the Navajo Reservation and I hope that all will be better for you soon God Bless and keep fighting the good fight!

  3. Chris says:

    Your family has become like my family. The fact that you thought of me enough to send a bracelet with your mother, meant absolutely everything to me. I hope for nothing but the best in the times to come for you. Thank you so much.

  4. mabel says:

    thank you for the bracelet, angie!:) it’s so pretty and pink is my fave! (howdya know?) ❤️
    i read thru your blog and i cannot imagine how hard it could have been for you to be fighting a huge battle at such a young age. all i can say is, you are one tough cookie!🍪 you are very blessed to have a family who has been very supportive. i especially admire your mom for being always at your side:)
    continue to be an inspiration to others, angie! you are definitely a fighter!
    hope to see you around!

  5. Peter says:

    Angie. Thankyou so much for the Bracelet. You are the strogest person I have ever know. Even if I come wake you up at 5 Am for a sample of blood.There is always a smile on your face no matter how much pain or discomfort you were in.. There was a smile . You are a true hero an inspiration for all the staff at the U and 5F4. From me and U of A Lab service God bless and big bear hugs. Take care kido.

  6. Gail says:

    You are the strongest person I know Angie. I am proud to be your Aunt. Your journey has been too long and so hard but I do hope that better days are on your horizon very soon. We love you very much.

    Auntie Gail, Uncle Herve, Nate and Noelle

  7. Steph says:

    Girl, you are one of the strongest women on this planet. Your story really helped me today. I deal with mental health and fight with my mind everyday to be happy. Your story of strength and words of encouragement have really inspired me to keep fighting. If you can force through depression and anxiety on top of all your other health concerns I know I can too. I really want to thank you for putting your story online to share with others because I needed a story of strength today. You inspire me to be happy. I hope you realize the positive impact you have on others. <3

  8. Sara Blake Lee says:

    Hi Angie,
    A little note to say “hello” and that myself & all of us are thinking of you a lot. Amelia & Keira asked about you when Erich & Maggie stayed with us, they would love to see you! Hopefully that will be soon! They had so much fun with your siblings! I just wanted to say that I very much liked reading your journey on this great web-site. You are very articulate in your story & I feel privileged to hear it. It is wonderful that people reading it can get an understanding of your journey. You are the bravest person I have ever known and have been through an unbelievable amount this past 8 years. I know other children and young adults will benefit greatly from learning of your journey. You seem to always put a smile on your face that lights up everyone who surrounds you. I have to say your bracelets are beautiful, I wear mine everyday! I’m sure you enjoy making them. If you are interested in making some more, I would love to order some from you:) I really hope you are feeling well and enjoying the summer with your family. It’s wonderful to hear that Erich & Maggie are spending a lot of time this summer with you. Enjoy those cute little white kittens too!
    Lots of Love,
    Sara & the girls

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